
robot, lawn, mower, wifi, connection, conected,

Do Robot Mowers Need WiFi? Everything You Should Know

In the ever-evolving world of lawn care, robotic mowers have emerged as a cutting-edge solution for homeowners seeking a convenient and efficient way to maintain their lawns. Among the various features that robot mowers can offer, WiFi connectivity is a feature that you might be unsure of. Do you need WiFi for your mower? Are …

Do Robot Mowers Need WiFi? Everything You Should Know Read More »

grass, clippings, turf, garden,

How Long Does It Take For Mulched Grass Clippings To Decompose?

If you’ve recently bought a mulching mower, you’re probably keen to know how quickly mulched grass clippings will decompose compared to normal-sized grass clippings. We’ve shared all the most important information to know in this guide. ✅Key Takeaways: Based on our own experience, we’d say that mulched grass clippings take up to 1 week to …

How Long Does It Take For Mulched Grass Clippings To Decompose? Read More »