December 2023

grass, clippings, turf, garden,

How Long Does It Take For Mulched Grass Clippings To Decompose?

If you’ve recently bought a mulching mower, you’re probably keen to know how quickly mulched grass clippings will decompose compared to normal-sized grass clippings. We’ve shared all the most important information to know in this guide. ✅Key Takeaways: Based on our own experience, we’d say that mulched grass clippings take up to 1 week to …

How Long Does It Take For Mulched Grass Clippings To Decompose? Read More »

tall, grass, lawn, sod,

Can An Electric Mower Handle Tall Grass? An Expert’s Opinion

If you occasionally let your lawn grow longer than you should, you might be wondering whether an electric mower is effective in cutting long grass. In this guide, we’ve shared everything you need to know about electric lawn mowers for long grass, including the factors affecting their cutting abilities, tips for mowing long grass with …

Can An Electric Mower Handle Tall Grass? An Expert’s Opinion Read More »